the random scats of a thoughtered soul in transit

24 December 2009


I am making my first turkey this year!! I am excited to make Christmas dinner (who knows how many people will be here with the snow; probably just my mother and myself)... but the one downside to the whole thing is that I'm SICK!! Doesn't that figure, that the first time I make a turkey, I'm sick. Tylenol Cold (Severe, mind you) hopefully will kick the ill feeling long enough to put it together!! I have quite a list beside that of things I would like to make--cherry, custard, pineapple sour cream and pumpkin pies... snickerdoodles... chocolate chip cookies... kitchen sink cookies... a lot of things like that. Why do I have to be SICK?? That annoys me a bit. I want to make all these things, allow a bit of the creative side out after the end of the semester... and instead I have to spend my days on a couch, trying to not get too active (or else my fever will return, which is no good).

On the up side!... I checked my grades for this past semester--I got all A's!! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! That definitely makes my day! :D

1 comment:

Pilgrim said...

congrats on your good grades.

also, get well soon, and merry christmas.