the random scats of a thoughtered soul in transit

15 April 2010

25 random things about me

1. i am pursuing two degrees at midwestern baptist college--an associates in music and a bachelors in biblical studies.

2. my car sounds like a pop can full of rocks rattling down the road. not good.

3. i co-lead a support group for multiple

4. i love sitting outside on days when the humidity is low and the breeze is blowing gently... to sit and write, think, read... sometimes to just stare at God's creation around me and marvel at how blessed I am to live on this planet...

5. i want to write a book... spill out some of this mind onto paper and attempt to drive everyone insane with the mindless drivel... ;) yet i don't know what KIND of book i want to write... non-fiction (several ways to go with that... humor or psychotic breaks with reality at the top of the list...), fiction, autobiographical, poetic, instructional, devotional... too many options to choose just one!

6. i spend most days arguing with myself about what i should have done yesterday.

7. i find myself completely envious of others creative abilities, yet tend to neglect and suppress any of my own that i may have within me.

8. i am taking voice lessons for the first time in my life. i am singing four songs this semester. two are in english, one in spanish, and one in italian. quite a new experience!! talk about being outside of my comfort zone...

9. i am learning the piano. it is a fascinating instrument. i klunk along like the amateur i am; my piano instructor's fingers fly across the keys like he doesn't have any joints in his hands to slow him down! seriously?!

10. my passport expires in 2012--i want to take at least one more overseas trip before i have to renew it!! i may be dreaming, to think that may be possible... but sometimes it is worth it to dream!

11. it is going to take me around six years to earn a four year degree. dislike.

12. i wish i had no fear (except for the fear of God)--that i would be willing to step out more and take risks (big or little), love freely, correct gently, be more teachable, understand what it means to be meek in humility, and seek others good over my own...

13. i want to do something with the language i know--not just learn language for the sake of acquiring more knowledge, but DO something with it that matters

14. i wish i had the ability to take everyone's pain away and make life easier on everyone... although i am not sure that by doing so i am doing anybody any favors

15. i want to do something with my LIFE that matters... not merely exist for the sake of existence, but really impacts lives and gives God glory... even if that means I am in the kitchen scrubbing dishes.

16. i simply adore grilled cheese.

17. i really DO want to get married... but i have impossibly high standards these days. most days i don't give myself much hope in this realm. any sane man would run!! ha...

18. i am either an introverted extrovert or an extroverted introvert... i haven't quite figured it out...

19. i looooooooooooooooove to research. writing the paper, however... notsomuch... (and i want to write a book. ha.)

20. i wish i had my own apartment, sometimes. i would love to live alone for a while... with my two kitties, of course!

21. i honestly wish life wasn't as complicated as it is... but i wouldn't change a thing about my life. i am pretty sure i would create a cosmic meltdown were it left to me.

22. i have so much fun swing dancing... but now if i am twirled around, the world keeps spinning after i've stopped!! i miss it. :(

23. i think this is one of the most egotistical things i have done in a while. what the accomplishment!

24. i want someone to pay me to write out what i think about the world.

25. i wish...


R Hohf said...

Hey Emily! I'm on blogger, too :) You can check out my blog (I think) just by clicking (I don't write too often or deeply, but there you have it). Enjoying your posts :)

Poetik said...

this gives me an idea to do! lovely & honest
i agree with you about myself on the one about you being an introverted extrovert or an extroverted introvert. I find myself in the same "in between"

Poetik said...

ps oh and feel free to check out my blog too!