the random scats of a thoughtered soul in transit

11 April 2010

I'm starting some new books... I'm INCREDIBLY excited to get into them! The first one I'm gonna delve into is Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges. This is what it says on the back cover...
Funny how the exceeding riches of God's grace seem to run out the moment we're saved. From then on, we tend to base our relationship with Him on our performance rather than on His grace. Of course, God continues to deal with us on the basis of His grace, whether or not we understand it. It's just that when we don't, we forgo the abundant freedoms that come from not having to measure up.
The product of more than ten years of Bible study, Transforming Grace is a fountainhead of inspiration and renewal that will show you just how inexhaustible and generous God's grace really is. You'll never be able to ask for too much, need too much, hope for too much, or even sin too much. Like a never-ending stream of ocean waves crashing on the shore, His grace "superabounds" toward you without measure.

This should be good... :) Our church has a Biblical counciling class going on right now, and today was the first day I attended. I was amazed at the class itself, and wish I had attended the first four classes! Better late than never, though, right?? I already have had my thoughts turned upside down on me, thinking through some of this.... I'll write more about it tomorrow, hopefully.

1 comment:

Pilgrim said...

Bridges is granite when teaching on pursuing holiness by God's grace.